Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Install Custom Sprays in Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Source allows players to import custom sprays into the game but there are some restrictions. The maximum dimension of the picture is 256 pixel width and 256 pixel height (anything bigger than that will get shrunk down and lose quality) and the file must be under 120kb. Also there are only four file types that are acceptable: .jpg, .bmp, .tga, .vtf.

For the first three file type (.jpg, .bmp, .tga) all you need to do is start Counter-Strike: Source and in the menu screen go to "Options". In the "Options" window click on the "Multiplayer" tab and next to the actual spray there will be a "Import Spray" button. Click on it and a search screen will appear. There, just locate the picture you want to use and click "Open". Now select it from the list of sprays and you're done.

When you do import a spray the game will copy that file, convert it into two files (.vtf and .vmt) and store them in the steam\steamapps\accountname\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\vgui\logos folder. That means that you can erase the original picture or move it without worrying that your spray will be gone.

Now for the ".vtf" files, it has to be a pair with a ".vmt" file and you have to store them both in the steam\steamapps\accountname\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\vgui\logos folder yourself (NOT while running the game). If you know how to open a folder and use the copy/cut option this should be easy. After you stored the files in the correct folder, start your game and the spray will be located with all the other sprays.

If, when you go to the "cstrike" folder, you can't find the "materials" folder or any other, just create a "New Folder" and rename it appropriately.

That is how everything should be working and if it does for you, great! But to my knowledge the "Import Spray" function is broken. After some tests I found out that it completely does not accept ".jpg" files. For ".bmp" file types, only 24-bit files are working (16-bit, 32-bit and 256 Color files don't work) and for ".tga", it's only 24-bit or 32-bit (no 16-bit). Only the ".vtf" + ".vmt" file combo seems to be working correctly.

Happy fragging.

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